puff [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2022


  • It’s not impossible but honestly when people say this it just sounds like Russian cope. It might be decades before we know the truth from memoirs and leaks. That Russia “did not deploy even 10% of the troops that would require” is perfectly consistent with the idea that they intended to capture the hostemel airfield with a small team of crack troops so that they could fly a shit ton more troops in and land them at the airfield, but that failed because the Ukrainians rendered the airfield unusable. I.e., they didn’t deploy enough troops because their plan to fly more troops in failed. I don’t think it’s necessarily a western narrative to say that Russia underestimated Ukraine (ex-Soviet after all) and how much western ghouls would pour weapons to literal nazis there. Russia is now clearly winning but I doubt the current situation was what they had in mind, hence the withdrawals and change in strategy.

  • Controversial opinion and doomerism warning: The Axis of Resistance is losing. This communications attack by Israel is a prelude to a major Israeli offensive on Hezbollah. All three of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran should have attacked Israel together at maximal strength late last year. Now they’ve waited until Hamas is contained, Israel is shifting its focus to Hezbollah (hence this preemptive barrage), while Iran will probably sit around sable-rattling, then once Hezbollah is also contained, Israel will shift its focus to Iran, and Iran will be alone. Israel dealt with having three enemies at once by relying on them not going all in against Israel together at the same time. Israel can win one-on-one battles but not all three at once. Well, it’s getting its winnable one-on-one battles because the three are letting it. A major tactical shake-up is needed. They can stretch Israel thin and win decisively, but the window of opportunity to do so is closing.