Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: @sundray@mastodon.social
You’ll probably be purrfectly fine.
That winds me up!
The nazis are wasting no time gloating.
Can we get him to hire Micheal Jackson’s old doctor?
“I don’t say this lightly, but I think your partner is toxic.”
Well don’t get it mixed up with your breakfast honey, especially if you take the metro to work.
Selfish narcissist shocked at lack of consideration from bigger, even more selfish narcissists.
is this a fucking joke?
It’s fucking fear of retaliation if they call it what it is.
He’s sending his heart
He lacks the anatomy.
My old wrestling coach once felt he had to remind us to “wash behind the balls.”
I find that the shower is the most convenient place to wash my legs.
The only way to solve this is to eat the cheesecake.
What a terrible example for the kids!
Now, I’ll have a Romulan ale, with Bloodwine chaser.
Yes, but it also works on people doped to the gills on pipeweed.
Well, that’s what the billionaires paid him for.