Might be outdated, though
It is hit or miss. The fingerprint button is also looking for the electrical signals of a living person. Apparently, that doesn’t end immediately upon death.
I’m partial to the tufted titmouse
The only thing I ever saw break my kids’ device spell was the Grand Canyon. When we walked up to it, my son was stunned and said, “Whoa, what happened?”
If I’m ever on a jury for a case that relies on police testimony as its lynchpin, I’ll hang it single handedly if I have to. Show me some evidence.
Can’t be compelled to testify against a spouse
If you’re into moody shit, check out Angel Olson’s cover of this song.
Well, “fine” is debatable when describing Jeanine Pirro
Coach Prime!
I got old
It’s quite a feat if I get fewer than 4000 steps in any given day, and I have a desk job.
Until I wake up naturally instead of by an alarm clock or a cat attacking my toes
I want to go to sleep
Lügen - Rammstein
Advanced Marathoning
He has no touch on deep balls, and it’s going to bite FSU this season.