Younger me would see today me and tell me I fell off hard for taking an hour nap after work.
I nap during my work break. And intermittently while working. The dangers of working in my bedroom… I make sure I get the most work done out of my team, though!
oh good i thought you were a trucker at first 😂
Oh goodness no, just truckin’ my lil butt over to my desk to get some work done every half hour.
I hate napping after work because often I dream about the work… Does this count as overtime though?
Honestly, I’m pretty sure that younger me would just see that there’s a girl living in my house and be too ecstatic to notice anything else.
pretty sure mine couldn’t fathom being awake at 4:30 either.
My goodness, the only time I’m up at 4:30 is if I’m still up partying
I never thought I’d be the early to rise type, especially during my highschool and young adult life… but now that I work a steady job with set times that rarely change, I’ve gotten accustomed to the schedule, usually waking up a bit before my alarm. It didn’t used to be as early, but now it’s mostly just to avoid traffic in the mornings and make sure that if anything surprising hits I have time to deal with it.
i get tired thinking of all the toxic chemicals in the air, water, food that i’ve been inhaling, drinking, ingesting over 4 decades. and apparently the plastics in my balls
Plastic is stored in the balls
We’re living the shitty parts of life before the game Deus Ex starts, and no I don’t mean the cool one (Human Revolution) and definitely not the bad one (Invisible War). I can relate.
this started becoming me, but I’m one spiteful fucker. so I just chugged caffeine until like 5am one night. now it’s been a year of going to bed at like 1-3 and napping when I feel like it, just like when I was younger
I think I would die if I did that :p