Post your shave of the day for Monday!

    1 year ago

    June 19 2023 - Au Revoir Nordost

    • Brush: Boti handle w/ 24mm AP Shave G5C
    • Razor: Gillette Flat-Bottom Tech
    • Blade: Derby Premium (7)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Nordost
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Nordost
    • Fragrance: Tom Ford - Grey Vetiver

    Tub kill! Third of the year for me. Omnibus goes fast (relatively speaking, I bought this tub in January 2022)…this tub was hurried along by my use of a soap hungry 30mm Declaration knot, but I still feel like the amount of shaves I got from this tub would have barely been a dent in a Reserve base tub. I’m not complaining, though it may sound like it, as now I have justification to pick up something new. And the Nordost splash will join my small collection of splashes that have outlived their soaps.