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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • June 22 2023

    • Brush: Dogclaration B9A
    • Razor: GEM 1912
    • Blade: GEM PTFE (37)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Fougere Gothique
    • Post Shave: Stirling - Varen
    • Fragrance: Stirling - Lightish Pink

    I probably should have saved this potent combo for a day when I’m in the office and have a 40 minute drive to enjoy it by myself, and not a day where my wife walks into the bathroom and asks what stinks. Live and learn. We’re headed to Miami tomorrow morning for a short cruise so tonight is packing up my trusty Catie’s Bubbles sample tub of Barnegat Bay.

  • June 19 2023 - Au Revoir Nordost

    • Brush: Boti handle w/ 24mm AP Shave G5C
    • Razor: Gillette Flat-Bottom Tech
    • Blade: Derby Premium (7)
    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Nordost
    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Nordost
    • Fragrance: Tom Ford - Grey Vetiver

    Tub kill! Third of the year for me. Omnibus goes fast (relatively speaking, I bought this tub in January 2022)…this tub was hurried along by my use of a soap hungry 30mm Declaration knot, but I still feel like the amount of shaves I got from this tub would have barely been a dent in a Reserve base tub. I’m not complaining, though it may sound like it, as now I have justification to pick up something new. And the Nordost splash will join my small collection of splashes that have outlived their soaps.

  • June 15 2023

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR (31mm)

    • Razor: Gillette Sheraton

    • Blade: Derby Premium (4)

    • Lather: Stirling - Red House Farm - Prairie Dog

    • Post Shave: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo

    • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Mood Indigo

    Very few soaps I have can match Prairie Dog for how great my face feels after using it. And the scent is really calming. For some reason I have off work tomorrow, and not Monday when the actual holiday is. Strange but I’m not complaining.

  • June 14 2023

    • Brush: Omega 11137 boar

    • Razor: Muhle Rocca R95

    • Blade: Derby Premium (3)

    • Lather: Stirling - Barrister and Mann - Famine

    • Post Shave: Stirling - Catie’s Bubbles - Blugere

    • Fragrance: Tom Ford - Ebene Fume

    I really enjoyed the scent of Famine this morning and I wish I had picked up a set of one of the Four Horsemen series when they went on clearance; I bet this smells really nice in splash form, but also because I’m almost done my only full tub of Omnibus. Oh well.

  • June 13 2023

    • Brush: Zenith MOAR BOAR

    • Razor: Muhle Rocca R95

    • Blade: Derby Premium (2)

    • Lather: Stirling - Vanilla Sandalwood

    • Post Shave: Stirling - Sandalwood splash

    • Fragrance: D.S. & Durga - Radio Bombay

    Stirling and MOAR BOAR is such a great combination, I got an easy lather from this endless tub. I had a much better shave with the Rocca than I did last time, which confirms that the bad shave must have been a fluke. Good to know I’m not losing my touch.

    I got assigned to an annoying workflow so I’m going to do the bare-ass minimum today

  • June 12 2023

    • Brush: Dogclaration B9A (30mm)

    • Razor: Gillette Super Speed

    • Blade: Derby Premium (1)

    • Lather: Barrister and Mann - Nordost

    • Post Shave: Barrister and Mann - Nordost splash

    • Fragrance: Noble Otter - Monoi de Tahiti

    Hello everyone, good to see some familiar faces usernames here. This is my first time posting here so apologies in advance if the formatting is botched/I quadruple post/any other shenanigans.

    On to the shave, this giant and dense knot continues to destroy this soap; it’s funny that this has become my go-to soap killing brush, moreso than MOAR BOAR, which seems reasonable in comparison. Nordost is a great scent but I look forward to replacing it with something new once this tub is gone. Been eyeballing Catie’s Bubbles sandalwood soap recently and may not be able to resist temptation much longer.