• Saik0@lemmy.saik0.com
    1 year ago

    As someone who nearly killed myself with a gun and was only stopped because I was too depressed to fill out the paperwork to buy one, my life was directly saved by gun control.

    Every state purchasing in a store (every FFL) requires you to fill out paperwork [wait times may vary]. There is no mystical stores in some random state that sell guns without forms/paperwork. It’s a federal requirement. Even as a CCW in AZ, I still have to fill out a form even though I can take the gun home that same day (I have no wait time).

    Private sales in every state doesn’t require documentation.

    There is no difference here that I’m aware of for ANY state to the two above statements.

    The statisical reality is that people like me are still more likely to kill ourselves with guns

    Unfortunately, there are no statistics that actually show how many gun defenses are successful each year. So you cannot say this without lying through your teeth. Some sources CLAIM to have this information… but likely don’t have the full data set. The CDC used to publish this information until pressured to take it down. They had estimated between 60k and 2.5 million “gun defense” events a year. The CDC will also say that we average <50k gun deaths per year(suicide being about 25k) in the USA. 60k>50k… which make you wrong just from that data alone. Once again the problem is we don’t know if “death” was an outcome of the “gun defense”. We also don’t know what that number really is between the 60k or 2.5mill… or something else. But the fact that with what we don’t know you’re wrong… and with what we knew you’re wrong… You’re just wrong… Statistically and logically.