• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • So, gravity isn’t linear, but rotation is.

    For reference, I’m a regular guy who looked up the answer, so maybe someone else can get more in depth, but I’ll offer my basic understanding.

    The planets weren’t just plopped down in a straight line, they are all chunks of space debris that flew off of bigger chunks of space debris.

    If you covered a ball in paint and spun it REALLY fast in a box slightly bigger than the ball, you’d end up with a line of paint on the walls that lines up with the center of the ball.

    The planets are like that paint, but gravity essentially “reaches out and ties a tether” to them that keeps them from going further away. And the whole time, EVERYTHING is spinning and floating further away from the point of the Big Bang.

  • Your argument seems to revolve around:

    More parents = more resources = better children

    How about a single mom who is a self made millionaire? She sold her internet startup for more money than you and I will ever see and retired at 30. She can spend 24 hours a day with her child, and never has to worry about money for the rest of her life.

    What can your average middle class married heterosexual couple provide that she can’t?

    Also, I’m curious what your thoughts are on a polygamous/ polyandrous household. Let’s say a woman has three husbands, and they are all parents to that child. That should be twice as good as just one mom and dad, right? Does it change your opinion if it’s one man with three wives?

  • Thankfully, my wife and I were both open to seeing single parents. Now we are married parents with more kids than we started with!

    If you mean as a person without kids, I have a tip: YOU SHOULD NOT BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE KID.

    That’s not too say that you aren’t special or important, it’s just that the kid(s) are children that rely on their parent to exist. That’s a big responsibility, and it needs to be respected. You’re a grown ass adult and you can take care of yourself. If you can’t deal with your partner not restructuring their whole life around you, then stay away from people with kids.

    You don’t need to shift your own priorities and make their child your number one, (maybe if things go well in the long term, that will happen on its own) but, if you go out of your way to at least be friends with the kids, or learn a little bit about them, that’s going to score a TON of points with the parent.

  • A child with one loving parent is better off than a child with any number of disgruntled uninvested parents.

    A single mom who goes through all the effort that IVF requires is someone who REALLY wants children. That’s someone who will appreciate the gift of parenthood and make sure that they don’t waste it.

    I’m more concerned with the children that were forced to be born against their parents’ wishes. Those children will be seen as a burden that was forced upon their parents. They will be resented, and more likely to be neglected or abused. They will grow up never learning what love and kindness is, and they will take that hatred and spread it into the world, or give up on themselves and turn to drugs, or an abusive relationship.

  • It scared the hell out of me too, but soon it’ll be just like walking. When you were first learning to walk, you fell down a lot, and although most of us don’t remember it, you were probably reluctant to try again after falling. But you kept trying and it became second nature. Keep practicing and soon you’ll be singing along with the radio, eating a burrito and sending texts while merging across 6 lanes of traffic without even thinking about it.

    Ok, maybe don’t do ALL those things. Just stick with it!