Most Padacubs are crepuscular.
Blame this on the misfortune of your birth.
Most Padacubs are crepuscular.
Man, that is so depressing to read though.
I can only imagine that the writers at The Onion are going insane because they just can’t compete with reality anymore.
Oh, they’re amazing. I really like Wisteria Floribunda. I feel like they compliment each other.
Treewave sounds like a fucking vibe.
I feel like Asimov’s statement has to be couched in some larger discussion. Taken in a vacuum, I can see some merit, but I can’t say that I completely agree with it. Incompetent in what aspect? I feel that his quote ignores intention. For some, violence isn’t something that they’re resorting to due to a failure to communicate through conflict, it is the preferred tool for the job. He comes off a little condescending and armchair intellectual-y here. I prefer the Sun Tzu quote someone mentioned earlier in the thread, “Violence is a precipitation of two sides unwilling to compromise.”
Please don’t break Toastify again. Please…
Gotta get a trainer with a weighted dull plastic blade before you graduate to the real thing. Helps avoid this predicament.
Here, I made you this sweater… WITH MY TEARS!
To keep each other company.
Mighty fine lookin’ loaf of brown you got there. Mighty fine, indeed.
I claim France can eat a bag of dicks.
Welp, I’ve got something new to watch over the extended weekend. I’m ready to love Leon.
Quite satisfactory, lobotomite.
I died doing what I loved!
Goth Girl-field haunts me in my waking hours. IT’S NOT FAIR!
Man has some of the dopest last words in history.
Is there any correlation between the current state of the world and every government backsliding into ultraconservative leadership?
Can’t get any more credible than that. 😎