Here’s my favorite tea…

I’ve been exploring the world of tea for about 5 years and have tried just over 200 teas of nearly all tea types. There is one tea that I’ve consistently gone back to since I have discovered it. It is a sheng puer from Yunnan Sourcing. I have an interesting relationship with this tea. I have never thought of this tea as wildly complex or as an experience. Instead, it has balance with just the right amount of intrigue to work as a daily drinker. I’m always happy to drink this tea.

2020 Wu Liang Mountain (the pic of this post)

Tasting notes: Thick texture; mineral, wood, and sweet body; citrus and herb high notes; a bitter-to-sweet aftertaste transformation.

  • @blackluster117
    21 year ago

    Yeah, the Ito En Golden Oolong. I just love the full-bodied flavor without as much of the traditional bitterness of a normal green tea.

    • @VermilionVulcanOP
      21 year ago

      Interesting! I’ve only tried a few of the more widely available bottled teas, which I don’t care for, but this looks like something I’d like to give a try. Thanks for recommending!

      • @blackluster117
        21 year ago

        I’d recommend chilling the bottle for the best experience. Drinking it warm is alright too, but there’s something about having it chilled with some sushi or a sandwich that really hits the spot.